The Top JRebel Updates in 2024
There’s been lots of change in the IT world in 2024, but Java remains the backbone of enterprise business applications. But just because Java is a stable backbone doesn’t mean it’s never evolving to better meet business needs.
2024 brought several enhancements, including the release of Java 22 and Java 23. It’s also been a big year for JRebel, including JRebel for Cloud, improved integration with Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode), and updates to the JRebel License Server.
Read on for a recap of new features and integrations for JRebel, and what these enhancements mean for Java development teams. You’ll learn:
JRebel for Cloud
Did you know that JRebel can save your team Java development time, locally and in the cloud? And in 2024, the JRebel team enhanced functionality for accelerating upload times in all popular cloud providers.
Cloud development environments come with many advantages—but they can also come with friction points like long upload times. With JRebel for Cloud, you can upload changes to the cloud incrementally, saving critical time that can be used to develop more features or go to market faster.
☁️ Learn more about JRebel for Cloud.
JRebel Releases to Meet Java Development Needs
Technologies throughout the community have followed suit with the updates to release cadence happening every single month. JRebel has been a part of this with our own monthly product releases. Each JRebel release prioritizes the strongest needs for the Java community.
🗒️ Dig into all the JRebel releases in 2024. See What's New .
IDE Integrations With JRebel
Throughout 2024, JRebel has made regular updates to the IntelliJ plugin, Eclipse plugin, and the VSCode extension, among other IDE improvements.
IntelliJ has regular releases each month, and a large amount of Java developers make the standard IntelliJ updates to take advantage of the latest features. The 2024 Java Developer Productivity Report found that 41% of respondents are using IntelliJ as their primary IDE. For this reason, our team focuses on increasing what JRebel can support within IntelliJ.
Eclipse has a number of distributions supported by JRebel, including STS, myEclipse, and the standard Eclipse IDE. Each of these Eclipse distributions had a number of different releases throughout 2024 that JRebel has maintained, including Eclipse 2024-09.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code, or VSCode, is a relatively new IDE, but it is quickly gaining popularity. According to the 2024 Java Developer Productivity Report, 19% of respondents use VSCode as their primary IDE. Additionally, 84% of respondents using IntelliJ IDEA said they use more than one IDE in their Java development practice, with VSCode being the most popular secondary IDE.
For this reason, JRebel has prioritized support for VSCode, including support for VSCode for Cloud (VSCode Remote). As of this writing, JRebel has support for VSCode 1.94.2 and has updated embedded JRebel agent to 2024.4.1.
These JRebel features in VSCode mirror those of other IDEs in the ability to work with remote changes while developing your application. This takes the benefit of JRebel a step beyond the typical joy of eliminating restarts and redeploys and adds the benefit of eliminating the time it takes to push changes to the cloud.
📚 Using VSCode? Read this blog on how to use the VSCode debugger.
Back to topApplication Server Support for JRebel
Supporting application servers is a JRebel specialty. The ability to compile changes and see that reflected immediately is greatly beneficial in this scenario. JRebel has added support for a large number of different application servers, the most popular being Tomcat.
🐱 Java Basics: What is Apache Tomcat?
Again, the 2024 JRebel Productivity Report found that 36% of respondents are using Tomcat to configure most of their frameworks. For that reason, JRebel has continued to maintain support for Tomcat adding many of the newest features within Tomcat.
Back to topFinal Thoughts
As we move into 2025, you can expect JRebel to continue to support the latest Java technologies. Monthly releases, from JRebel 2024 1.1 to 2023.4.2 have integrated support and new features for a variety of Java frameworks and IDEs; catch up on all the details in the changelog. The one thing that hasn’t changed is how much time you can save with JRebel.
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